WS 2024/25 Termine
15. April 2024:
Mind your p-values! The pitfalls of statistical significance testing. Job Schepens (SFB 1252 "Prominence in Language")
Zur Vorbereitung: Simmons, J. P., Nelson, L. D., & Simonsohn, U. (2011). False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant. Psychological Science, 22(11), 1359–1366.
14. Oktober 2024
"Research ethics and open science" with Scott Sterling (Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics, Indiana State University)
Zur Vorbereitung: Sterling, Scott. Research Ethics in Open ence within Applied Linguistics. In Open Science in Applied Linguistics (Plonsky 2024). Open Applied Linguistics Press.
21. Oktober 2024
On the need to teach basic statistical literacy. Elen Le Foll (Department of Romance Languages/DCH), Lena Pfannholzer (Institut für Romanistik) & Katja Wiesner (Institut für Linguistik)
Zur Vorbereitung: Loewen, Shawn, Talip Gönülal, Daniel R. Isbell, Laura Ballard, Dustin Crowther, Jungmin Lim, Jeffrey Maloney & Magda Tigchelaar. 2020. How Knowledgeable Are Applied Linguistics and SLA Researchers About Basic Statistics?: Data from North America and Europe. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42(4). 871–890.
18. November 2024
"Sharing is caring- Mapping existing transparency and reproducibility practices" with Agata Bochynska (Open Research | Digital Scholarship Center, University of Oslo)
Zur Vorbereitung: Bochynska, A., Keeble, L., Halfacre, C., Casillas, J. V., Champagne, I.-A., Chen, K., Röthlisberger, M., Buchanan, E. M., & Roettger, T. B. (2023). Reproducible research practices and transparency across linguistics. Glossa Psycholinguistics, 2(1).
16. Dezember 2024
"Reproducibility when working with large language models: A hallucination?" with Nils Reiter (Digital Humanities und Sprachliche Informationsverarbeitung, IDH)
Zur Vorbereitung: Simone Balloccu, Patrícia Schmidtová, Mateusz Lango, and Ondrej Dusek. 2024. Leak, Cheat, Repeat: Data Contamination and Evaluation Malpractices in Closed-Source LLMs. In Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 67–93, St. Julian’s, Malta. Association for Computational Linguistics.
20. Januar 2025
"Accessible research: Fair, diamond, open, free" with Martine Grice (Institute for Linguistics – Phonetics)
27. Januar 2025
"Good (enough) open data and code sharing practices: Personal reflections and recommendations" with Simon Wehrle (Institute for Linguistics – Phonetics)
Zur Vorbereitung: Accepted paper associated with this GitHub repo: The authors have submitted a preprint to the OSF, available shortly via:
10. Februar 2025 (14-18 h)
Love Data Week Special: „Workshop on Computational Reproducibility“ with Mark Ellison (Institute for Linguistics)
This workshop will introduce the participants to the use of Docker, a software that defines a virtual machine container. When you create software that runs inside a container, on that virtual machine (e.g. R or PYTHON code with various packages) it will then run onany computer that can run the Docker software.
For more details and the registration link go to: Love Data Week
- Elen Le Foll (Romanisitk /DCH)
- Denis Arnold (Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln & C³RDM)
- Gabriele Schwiertz (Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln)