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Collection of the family Schmitz-Otto

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  • Schmitz-Otto - Bibliophily, a family tradition
  • Woodcut and text "Die Legende von den Heiligen Drei Königen von Johannes von Hildesheim"
  • Illustration and text from "Das Buch der heiligen Dreikönige, des Jahres der Kirche und der Wunder des Doms zu Köln"
  • Exlibris of Hanns-Theo Schmitz-Otto, Erst- und Vorstandsmitglied der "Bibliophilen Gesellschaft in Köln"
  • Exlibris of Hanns Georg Schmitz-Otto, Sohn von Hanns-Theo
  • Exlibris of Klaus Paul Schmitz-Otto, Sohn von Hanns-Theo, von Hedda und Hans Ulrich Schmitz-Otto, Vetter von Hanns-Theo
Hanns-Theo Schmitz-Otto with friendly permission of Hanns Georg Schmitz-Otto.


Hanns Georg Schmitz-Otto left large parts of the valuable family collection to UCL Cologne since 2002. He thus enriched the UCL collection with a particularly complex collection of books, manuscripts, autographs and graphics. The oldest works date from the 16th century. The collection spectrum in the field of books includes many first and original editions. The Cologne prints and the collection of Pierre-Marteau prints are a particular focus. In addition, there is a large collection on topics from the Rhineland and Cologne, in particular a collection of books on the legend of the Three Kings that extends to current publications. Altogether, all areas of knowledge can be found in the rich library. The collection, which is currently under construction, is closed on the shelfmarks HTSO, HTSOG, HTSOZ and HTSOM.

Books and other collection objects can be made available for research purposes in the Historical Collections Reading Room.

The bibliophile tradition of the Schmitz-Otto family began with the grandfathers and great-uncle of Hanns Georg Schmitz-Otto. His father Hanns-Theo Schmitz-Otto (1908-1992) visited book auctions with his father and uncle as a child. After studying in Cologne and Geneva, he took over his grandfather's trading business in Cologne. The early Schmitz Otto collection, however, became a victim of the war and Hanns-Theo began to systematically build up a new collection. The book foundation's holdings also include books owned by mother Lola (Carola) and cousin Hanns Ulrich Schmitz-Otto.
The close connection of the family to contemporary authors and artists is reflected in personal dedications in many books and prints. The books are marked by the respective ex-libris of the family member.

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  • Book cover of "Trois Semaines en voyage : France, Bords du Rhin, Belgique von Paul Baudry, 1855"
  • Book cover of "Les Étoiles : dernière féerie von par Jean-Ignace Isidore Gérard dit Grandville, 1849"
  • Pierre Marteau Druck von Heinrich , 1662
  • Pierre Marteau Druck von [Philibert Joseph Le Roux], 1696, Frontisp. (Portr.) und Titelblatt


The "Colonia-Collection" : the book printed in Cologne for centuries as well as books in covers from Cologne bookbinding workshops. The Collection of the Legend of the Three Kings : a collection of all the legends. One collection of Pierre-Marteau prints (Peter Hammer): 150 volumes of the most important fictitious publishing address of the 17th and 18th centuries. A collection of first editions and original editions of the 18th and 19th centuries. One collection of contemporary authors : including many dedication copies. The Reading Collection : a collection of images and texts on the theme of reading. A collection of graphics : including many dedications. A collection of death notes.

Logo of the Bibliophilen Gesellschaft Köln

The name Schmitz-Otto is closely connected with the bibliophilia in Cologne. Hanns-Theo Schmitz-Otto, "... ein Grandseigneur der Bibliophilie" (a grand seigneur of bibliophilia) (Werner Schäfke) was one of the first members of the "Bibliophile Society in Cologne", newly founded in 1930, and soon became a member of the board. After the death of his father in 1992, his sons Hanns Georg and Klaus Paul took over the management of the Society. The core of the association's work was the monthly "tea hours", at which a lecture on a bibliophilic topic was given. The invitations to these events soon became coveted collector's items themselves, especially those of the Cologne book illustrator and graphic artist Eduard Prüssen, whose pre-legacy was handed over to the UCL in 2010. After 80 years, the Bibliophile Society disbanded.

Logo of the Kölnischen Bibliothkesgesellschaft (KBG)

The newly founded "Studienkreis Buchkultur" of the Kölnischen Bibliotheksgesellschaft (KBG) continues the tradition of the society and organizes lectures and visits for its members. Members of the Schmitz-Otto family are certainly members; H.-G. Schmitz-Otto is a member of the board. The UCL Cologne is indebted to Mr. Schmitz-Otto both for his donation of the collection and for his generous support of the book patron programme.


Prachteinband "Bilder-Hefte zur Geschichte des Bücherhandels" hrsg. von Heinrich Lempertz, 1876