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Manage research data - C³RDM

C³RDM stands for Cologne Competence Center for Research Data Management. We are a part of it - just like the Regional Computing Centre (RRZK) and Department 7 Research Management.

From the development of a data management plan as part of the application for third-party funding, to technical storage options during the project, to support in the search for suitable (subject) repositories for the publication of your research data: the C³RDM offers you comprehensive support and advice on research data management in all phases of your research project.

In addition to personal and individual consulting, we also offer training courses and workshops for graduate schools, institutes, professional and working groups. Please feel free to send inquiries to our central contact address:

Further information

The C³RDM website

What is research data and what does research data management mean?

Research data is essentially all digital data that is generated or processed in the course of your research activities. Examples are observations, experiments, simulations, source research, surveys and questionnaires, etc. Research data is increasingly becoming the focus of scientific communication.

Research Data Management - RDM - is a collective term for the planned, systematic handling of research data. It usually involves phases in the so-called data life cycle.