Collection Alff
Collection H.C. Artmann-Sammlung (Knupfer) (German)
Autograph Collection (available in the Historical Reading Room and at Kalliope)
Bachem - Franz Xaver Bachem
Bachem - Collection Georg Andreas and Gerlinde Bachem
Bänfer - Collection Fred Bänfer
Bäumker - Collection Wilhelm Bäumker
Becker - Library Hermann Heinrich Becker
Belgium / Luxembourg - Cultural Area Belgium Luxembourg - Tables of contents
Belgium / Luxembourg - Focus Cultural Circle Belgium / Luxembourg
Bibliographical database on the University and City Library of Cologne and its predecessor institutions from 1820 to the present day
Binding Collection
Botany an Zoology Collection
Max Bruck Archive (German)
Business administration -Focus on business administration
City Library
Classics of Sociology
Collection cookbooks
Cologne Coin Portal
Cologne collection of newspaper artickles 1840 - 1969 (German)
Cologne Dissertations before 1800
Cologne Newspaper Article Collection (German)
Cologne Personnel an Lecture Directories
Cologne Provenance Portal (German)
Publications by and about Cologne universities (German)
Colonialism an African Diaspora at postcards
Copy-Collection (Copies of inscriptions of Greek cities from Asia Minor) (German)
Dante - Collection (Wilhelm Reiners)
DDR - chrildren`s book (German)
Digtitalis Collection
Library Herbert von Dirksen
Collection Hans Engländer
Europäische Städte- und Landschaftsdarstellungen (German)
European literature
Illustrated fiction - Gernot Uwe Gabel Collection
Gentz - Friedrich von Gentz - Collection Günter Herterich
Gentz digital
Grantha und Telugu prints
Gymnasium Library
Memorial Collection
Library of the Family von Mevissen
Collection Immo Mikloweit
Publications from the Monschau region
Collection of Cologne newspaper articles reference period: 1970-1984 and 1990-1991 (German)
Collection of Cologne newspaper articles reference period: 1840 - 1969 (German)
Photography as applied science
Poetica Collection (German)
Portrait Collection (German)
Protestant Library Cologne
Cologne Provenance Portal (German)
Collection Eduard Prüssen (German)
Publication of the Society for Rhineland History
Rhineland journals
Rhineland monographs
Rhineland Museum of Philology
The virtual library Elise and Helene Richter (German)
Library Eugen Schmalenbach (German)
Collection of the family Schmitz-Otto
Library Jürgen Scholle
School programs of the UCL Cologne
Focus on Social Sciences
Library Martin Stankowski
Student library of Cologne
Syndicate Library
Library Ferdinand Franz Wallraf
Library Franz Weinkauff
Collection Westerholt
Collection Eberhard Wolff
Collection Otto Wolff Portal Historical Women's Reading (German)
Wroclaw Dissertations