E-media and databases
The University and City Library offers you a broad and interdisciplinary range of e-media. Via the Cologne University Catalogue you have access to more than 4 million e-books, approx. 150,000 e-journals and approx. 1,650 databases.

Licensed e-media, i.e. e-media purchased from the UCL (marked with a yellow traffic light symbol in the Cologne University Catalogue) are generally available to all library users. The following applies:
- Students and members of the University of Cologne can access the e-media both within the university network and via VPN from outside. You need a student or employee account and the free additional software VPN client.
- All other users have access to the e-media within our premises: either via Eduroam or at internet workstations in the Main Library and the Department of Human Sciences. A valid library card is required.
Important for saving documents at the Internet workstations in the UCL:
Bring your USB stick with you!

Free e-media / Open Access publications (marked with a green traffic light symbol in the Cologne University Catalogue) can be freely used by everyone, regardless of location.
Electronic journals
Electronic newspapers
E-Books NRW Initiative
National licenses of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
They enable students, academics and private individuals interested in science to access databases, electronic journals, newspapers and e-books.
In addition to freely accessible electronic publications throughout Germany, there are also offers for which individuals can register for use: Information on registration and registration of private individuals (German)
Licensing information
In the case of extensive downloads, the provider may block access not only to your own computer, but also to the entire university.
Please note the terms of use of the publishers or editors.
In general, this applies to publishing offers that are subject to licensing:
Employees and students of the University of Cologne are permitted access to the full texts. Library users who are not members of the University of Cologne can only use the licensed media on the premises of the library. Database contents as well as full texts of articles and e-book chapters may only be printed or stored for personal use and research purposes. Articles may not be passed on to third parties either electronically or in printed form. Systematic download of journal articles (e.g. all articles from a journal issue) or database contents, in particular by robots, contradicts the license right and is prohibited.
Do you have any questions? Mail us!
Team Datenbanken
Team E-Books
Team E-Zeitschriften