Campus delivery service
We provide all UoC staff with scans of articles and book chapters from our printed collections.
Log in with your library card (user group B) before searching via "My account"!
You can order scans of individual articles or book chapters (up to 15% of a work) from our printed holdings online (only from the holdings of the Main Library & the Department of Human Sciences!).
The service includes scanning (b/w) and electronic provision via a temporary download link and is free of charge. Media for which a parallel electronic licence is available are not included in this service.
Electronic media can be found directly via the search or via "Search for databases and e-media".
The scans are delivered as a PDF document for download within five working days. If a medium is borrowed, the delivery period is extended.
How to order:
Please log in via "My account" in the UCL-Portal with your library card data (card number B_ _ _ _ _ _ _#_ + password) and start your search.
If the desired item is in our collection, you will see the "Campus delivery service" order button in the detailed display at the bottom of the copies.
When you click on the button, an order form opens containing your library card details (card number, name and e-mail address) and the bibliographical details of the desired item.
If you would like to order a scan from a book, please add the page number of the desired section.
Tip for the page number: As a rule, the detailed display of a title contains a link to the table of contents, from which you can take the information on page numbers.
Essays from journals or collected editions: In addition to the page number, also indicate the author and the title of the desired article.
Our request: Give the bibliographic data as accurately as possible. If you are unsure - you can add further information in the comments field.
After you have sent the scan order, you will receive an order confirmation to the e-mail address you have entered in your library account.
After your order has been processed, you will receive an e-mail from us with a time-limited download link. You now have 30 days to access the PDF file. After this period, the file will be deleted.
Terms of use:
Scan orders for printed books may only comprise up to 15 % of the work (successive provision of parts of the work through several orders and thus circumvention of the 15 % rule is not permitted).
In the case of orders for articles from specialist journals or scientific journals, individual articles and essays are made available as part of the service. We do not supply paper copies!
Important note on copyright:
Compliance with third party copyrights and exploitation rights is your responsibility as the client.
Copyright in science (German)
Manual of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Which libraries deliver:
Please note that only the holdings of the UCL(Main Library and Department of Human Sciences) can be ordered via this service. Publications held in the corporate specialised libraries and decentral libraries on the campus of the University of Cologne are excluded from this service.
Do you have questions?