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Panel discussions

We will be discussing exciting questions about the future with academics, experts and the public, for example about hopes and fears about the change in the media or about digitisation and the significance of our valuable collections. We look forward to seeing you there!



Wie groß ist der Einfluss von Online-Medien auf die Meinungsbildung und somit auch auf das Wahlverhalten? Welche Chancen und Gefahren entstehen durch die zunehmende digitale Kommunikation für unsere Demokratie? Das und vieles mehr möchten wir mit Ihnen diskutieren.


Never before have automated algorithms played such a major role in our everyday lives. That's why we're asking in three moderated discussion rounds about the impact of algorithms on our lives - today and in the future. Join the discussion!


The actions of the "last generation" show the polarization in the public discussion on climate protection. For a long time, artistic protest actions have also been provocative and want to shake up society. Therefore we discuss: What role does climate change play in the art world, where do political and artistic forms of protest touch, and how can society best be reached?



Our new panel series Internet, Disinformation and Digital Politics takes up current political and social issues. The subject of disinformation is playing an increasingly important role in the discussion about the war in Europe and the Covid 19 pandemic and will be examined from different angles. We will also take a look at the digital policy situation in Germany.

Information on the panel discussions (held in German) >>


As a supporting programme to our exhibition "City Life - Photographs of the Kölnische Rundschau 1968 - 1989", a discussion on the future of photo archives took place on 13 May 2022 in the Small Broadcasting Hall of the WDR.

Saving cultural assets in libraries: the Wallraf Collection

On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the University and City Library of Cologne, the rescue, restoration, conservation and digitisation of the historical and precious library of the important collector Ferdinand Franz Wallraf was discussed with guests in the auditorium of the University of Cologne.
The panel discussion was recorded by our cultural partner WDR 3:
Podcast "Kulturgutrettung in Bibliotheken: die Sammlung Wallraf" >>   (MP 3, 50,5 MB, 54:36 Min.)

Research in art museums on new paths?

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has launched the funding programme "Forschungsvolontariat Kunstmuseen NRW". The aim is to make bequests accessible, produce monographs, catalogue media collections and record museum history. What new tasks in the field of provenance research, restitution, transcultural tasks, art from a colonial context, cultural education, participation, archival studies, digitisation, environmental awareness, etc. are the NRW museums facing? As part of the conference "Research in the Museum", organised by the Institute for Art History of the HHU Düsseldorf in cooperation with the University and City Library of Cologne, a WDR 3 Forum took place at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne.

Podcast "Forschung auf neuen Wegen? >>   (MP 3, 52 MB, 54:57 Min.)