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Opening hours & addresses

Main Library

Universitätsstr. 33, 50931 Köln

Opening hours

Mon - Fri, 9 - 24
Sat - Sun, 9 - 21

Service hours

Registration & Interlibrary loans return counter
Mon - Fri, 10 - 16

Library card: order, pick up and extend >>

Reading room and interlibrary loans counter
(Telephonw: +49 221 470-3314)

Mon - Fri, 9 - 24
Sat - Sun, 9 - 21

Historical Collections Reading Room & library of the University Archive
(Telephone +49 221 470-3199 or e-mail)

Mon,10 - 14
Tue and Wed, 10 - 16
Thu, 10 - 18
Fri, 10 - 14

Jackets and large bags as well as drinks and food are not permitted in this reading room. Please use our lockers for your wardrobe.

Hand in for printed Cologne dissertations
Dissertations can be submitted by post and also in person by appointment. Please contact our team by e-mail if required.
Detailed information on handing in dissertationens >>

Weekends and public holidays

Service offer on weekends and public holidays >>

Public holidays on which the Main Library is open or closed >>

Department of Human Sciences

Gronewaldstr. 2, 50931 Köln

Opening hours

Mon - Fri, 9 - 19

Service hours

(Telephone +49 221 470-4671 or e-mail)

Mon - Fri, 10 - 16; Thu additionally 16 - 18

Stack books and textbooks can be ordered via the Cologne University Catalog.
Books are available for you to collect for 2 weeks on the next opening day  at the issue counter in the basement (Building 216, component 2).
Reservations and renewal of the loan period (up to five times) are possible via the Cologne University Catalogue.

Returning books to the issue counter via a book slot
(Telephone +49 221 470-4671 or e-mail)

Mon - Fri,  9 - 19

All borrowed media (except tests) can be returned through the book slot.

Human Sciences Reading Room
Mon - Fri, 9 - 19

Journal volumes before 2000 can be requested directly at the reading room counter without prior ordering via the catalogue and digitised (on a private device or a USB stick) in the reading room using an overhead scanner.

All issues of the current year and the journal volumes from 2000 onwards can be found in the reading room.

Testothek loans
(Telephone +49 221 470-4671 or e-mail)

Mon - Fri, 10 - 14

Use is only possible for members and affiliates of the university.
Order and reservation via the catalogue, renewal by e-mail, return only at the circulation desk.

Curative Education Reading Room
(Frangenheimstr. 4, 50931 Köln
(Map), Telephone.: +49 221 470-4687 u. -4679, e-mail)
Mon - Fri, 9 - 18