Specialised Information Service Philosophy
The Specialized Information Service (SIS) Philosophy is developing an online portal that is intended to simplify and optimise access to specialist literature and research-relevant information for philosophical science. At the same time, it serves to increase the visibility of research projects as well as the networking of researchers in the community.
In short
SIS Philosophy is a project managed by the University and City Library of Cologne in close cooperation with the Department of Philosophy and the Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH) of the University of Cologne. The SIS Philosophy is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation).
Our goals
We want to provide fast and direct access to special technical literature and research-relevant information for scientific needs, independent of location. It is our aim to cover the entire spectrum of philosophy in historical and systematic terms:
- We acquire - according to a profile agreed upon with the philophical community - fee-based primary and secondary literature from Germany and abroad. In doing so, we focus on the field of e-media.
- We will retrospectively digitise and make available copyright-free specialist literature, especially editions that are not yet available in electronic form.
- We offer central access to philosophical research resources freely available on the Internet.
- For this purpose, we are setting up a portal which will bring together all the above-mentioned data sources under one web interface and at the same time - as a subject-specific communication infrastructure - will serve to increase the visibility and networking of researchers and their research projects.
In implementing this work programme and developing further innovative services, the interests and needs of philosophical research in Germany will be reflected above all by the intensive involvement of the specialist representatives of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie (DGPhil) and the Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie (GAP) as scientific partners and "resonance spaces".
Key data on the SIS Philosophy
- Sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
- Start: May 2018
- Funding volume: EUR 1.2 million for three years
- Project partners: Cologne Center for eHumanities (CCeH) and the Department of Philosophy of the University of Cologne
- the SIS Philosophy replaces the former Special Subject Collection (SSG) Philosophy, which was the responsibility of the University Library of Erlangen-Nuremberg until 2013.
You have questions about SIS Philosophy? Please contact us:
Zain Ali Forschungs- und Publikationsunterstützung
- Phone
- +49 221 470-7864
Yannik Hampf Forschungs- und Publikationsunterstützung
- Phone
- +49 221 470-76254
Joao Martins Forschungs- und Publikationsunterstützung
- Phone
- +49 221 470-7924
Input-Workshop for the development of the platform "DigiPhiD" 28.-29. November 2019 :