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Loans: Books on a journey

We offer exponats for exhibitions to museums, galleries and documentation centres. That's why we tell our books more and more often: "Off to the museum!". It's great to see how fantastically our small and large treasures are presented there!

[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Foto: Detailausschnitt aus dem Ausstellungsplakat "Und vergib uns unsere Schuld? Kirchen und Klöster im Nationalsozialismus"

SocialismAnd forgive us our guilt? Churches and monasteries under National Socialism


Stiftung Kloster Dalheim / LWL-Landesmuseum für Klosterkultur

Exhibition duration: 17 May 2024 to 18 May 2025

About the exhibition:
The exhibition "And Forgive Us Our Guilt? Churches and Monasteries under National Socialism" sheds light on the complex relationship between Christianity and National Socialism. Through ten questions, visitors are led on the trail of betrayal and charity. The exhibition examines both the efforts of the Nazis to suppress the Christian faith and the role of Christian motifs in the resistance against National Socialism. It also addresses the involvement of the churches in National Socialist politics and discusses how the churches today are coming to terms with their role during this period.

(Source: Text on the exhibition website)

Our loans for this exhibition:

1. Johannes : Sancti Patris Nostri Ioannis Chrysostomi …, 1609, Signatur: GBIV2649-1
Die Leihgabe gehört zu den Sammlungen:

2. Mommsen, Theodor: Auch ein Wort über unser Judenthum, 1880, Signatur: V62/20

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  • [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Großaufnahme einer schwarzen Schreibfeder in einen Tintenfass. Dahinter eine mittelalterliche Handschrift, weiß auf schwarzem Hintergrund. Infotext auf dem Plakat: Wissen & Bewahren. Schätze aus der Klosterbibliothek Abteil Brauweiler. Sonderausstellung 5. April bis 4. August 2024. Winterrefektorium der Abteil Brauweiler. Enlarged view:
    [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] © Ausstellungsplakat, Freundeskreis Abteil Brauweiler e.V.
  • Enlarged view:
    [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] "Revelationes sancte Birgitte", Seite 134: Tochter, ich sage dir ...
  • Enlarged view:
    [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] "Revelationes sancte Birgitte", Seite 232: Der Sohn Gottes spricht ...
  • Enlarged view:
    [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] "Revelationes sancte Birgitte", Seite 369: Birgitta auf Reisen

Knowledge & Preservation - Treasures from the Brauweiler Monastery Library

Kultur in der Abteil Brauweiler - Freundeskreis der Abteil Brauweiler e.V.

Exhibition duration: 5 April to 4 August 2024

About the exhibition:

"Acquiring and imparting knowledge was a high priority in monastic culture. The Brauweiler monastery library, which had grown to around 2,200 volumes by the end of the monastery period and is now scattered across many locations, included works on theology, canon law, humanism, astronomy and astrology, medicine, geography and history. Among other things, it was used to teach novices at the monastery school, which was first documented in 1291. Writing and copying texts were part of everyday life at the monastery. The scriptorium (writing room) was located near the library. This is also where deeds, copybooks, accounting documents etc. were created, which were essential for the monastery and its legal security and were kept in the monastery archive and used for the knowledge of the monastery's own history. These four core areas characterise Brauweiler Abbey as a place of scholarship. In the historical ambience of the winter refectory, which was formerly used as a monastery school, the previously neglected topic of "Knowledge and education in the monastery" is presented in a special exhibition with a contemporary approach."
(Source/text: Exhibition website)

Our loan for this exhibition:

Revelationes sancte Birgitte ; reuelationes ..., Nürnberg: Koberger, 1500, Signatur: GBIV1456

Unser Birgitta-Comic zur Ausstellung auf YouTube >>

The loan is part of the collections:

We have also created a comic "Birgitta 1300 -1373" for the exhibition "Knowledge & Preservation - Treasures from Brauweiler Abbey Library", which will be shown at Brauweiler Abbey from 5 April to 4 August 2024 by the Friends of Brauweiler Abbey.

"Mit Feuer zu strafen! Hexenwerk und Teufelsbund im Aachener Raum"

[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Titelblatt von Johannes Wier: De Praestigiis Daemonum : = Von Teuffelsgespenst, Zauberern vnd Gifftbereytern/ Schwartzkünstlern/ Hexen vnd Unholden/ darzu irer Straff : ..., 1586, Signatur: GBX104+E

"To punish with fire! Witchcraft and the devil's coven in the Aachen region"

CENTRE CHARLEMAGNE - New Aachen City Museum


Exhibition duration: 4 November 2023 to 17 March 2024

The exhibition "Mit Feuer zu strafen! Hexenwerk und Teufelsbund im Aachener Raum"  uses around 160 exhibits to shed light on the background to the persecution of witches from the late Middle Ages to the early modern period. The presentation includes original prints, paintings, film and music clips, photographs and replicas of instruments of torture and aims to give the victims a face. The belief in magic and witchcraft has existed since ancient times, but reached a destructive dimension in Europe in the late Middle Ages. The religiously motivated witch hunts claimed between 50,000 and 60,000 lives in Europe, most of them women. The trials spread rapidly and torture, originally intended as a means of "finding the truth", became a cruel public spectacle.

Witch trials also took place in Aachen in the 17th century.

Despite their historical contextualisation, witch hunts are not a thing of the past today. Women and children are still being persecuted, tortured and killed as alleged witches in 44 countries around the world.

(Source: Exhibition website)

Our loan for this exhibition:

Johannes Wier: De Praestigiis Daemonum : = Von Teuffelsgespenst, Zauberern vnd Gifftbereytern/ Schwartzkünstlerlern/ Hexen vnd Unholden/ darzu irer Straff : ..., 1586, Signatur:

Digital Copy >>

The loan comes from the collection: Gymnasialbibliothek

Exhibition poster "Wunder - Wissen - Wandel" (Wonder - Knowledge - Change) with the kind permission of the Stadt- und Landständearchiv in Kloster Wedinghausen

„Wunder - Wissen - Wandel. Wedinghausen 1173 - 2023"


Exhibition duration: 24 October to 17 December 2023

WONDER, KNOWLEDGE, CHANGE: The 850-Year History of Wedinghausen Abbey

The exhibition presents the 850-year history of Wedinghausen Abbey from its mysterious beginnings and exquisite works of book art to the present day with the question of the possibilities and limits of AI.

Our loan for this exhibition:

Rham, Richard: Isagoge in universam Christiani hominis sapientiam : qua vitae & mortis contemptus docetur. Item Isagoge in vitam sobriam & rectam valetudinis curam, Coloniae Agrippinae : à Brachel, 1634.
Signatur: 1N1015