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400 Years First Folio - Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories & Tragedies

William Shakespeare's legendary first complete edition celebrates its 400th birthday. The anniversary is international: institutions all over the world are showing their First Folios. And so are we!

There are 234 First Folio copies left in the world today, only 14 of which are Top Class I or "Class A" editions, i.e. unrepaired books in the best state of preservation. One of these is owned by the University of Cologne. The university bought the book, along with four other Shakespeare volumes, on the antiquarian book market in 1960 for 425,000 German marks. Today, the First Folio is one of the most expensive books in the world.

In Shakespeare's time, theater companies rarely wrote down their plays so as not to provide material for the competition. Many works from that time have therefore not survived today. But fortunately things were different for Shakespeare: two good friends and fellow actors of the writer printed Shakespeare's 36 plays after his death in a large, leather-bound folio format on high-quality paper. The title: "Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories & Tragedies." To this book we owe plays such as Macbeth, Julius Caesar, or A Midsummer Night's Dream, which otherwise would not have been handed down.

To mark the anniversary, the University and City Library has digitized its valuable edition to make it available to everyone on an open access platform in the future. The "First Folios Compared" platform enables a direct literary comparison of different First Folio copies in split-screen view.

But of course, the original will also be on display for the anniversary. Together with the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud and the Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung, the University and City Library is showing the First Folio in an exhibition. In addition, there will be a supporting program with readings, theater, music and a Shakespeare dinner.

28.09.2023: Shakespeare as Inspiration - On the Trail of Anthony Powell

The influence of William Shakespeare's work on literature is still enormous today - quotations from Macbeth, Hamlet & Co can be found - sometimes hidden and sometimes quite obvious - again and again in books, films and idioms. The English writer Anthony Powell used Shakespeare quotes as titles for his memoirs and Shakespeare's traces can also be found in his 'Micellaneous Verdicts'. In the process, he has made references even to Marcel Proust. We cordially invite you to discover inspirations, cross-references and allusions with us!


Bibliotheca Reiner Speck, Kämpchensweg 58, 50933 Cologne-Müngersdorf

    2:30 p.m.: Tour of the Proust and Petrarch collections
    16:00: Welcome & Introduction Dr. Henner Löffler
    16:15: A very special treasure: The First Folio of the USB Cologne Dr Christiane Hoffrath
    5:00 p.m.: The Perfection of Literature: Shakespeare & the 'Great Rule Breaker' as judged by Anthony Powell Prof. Dr. Theo Langheid
    17:45: Powell`s Will - A Reading of the Author Dr. Johanna Dombois

Afterwards we invite you to a drink together.

The event is organised by the University and City Library of Cologne in cooperation with the Anthony Powell Society.
Admission is free.  

If you are interested, please register by e-mail with Ms Schrempp:

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  • [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Das Titelblatt der berühmten First Folio, auf dem Shakespeare abgebildet ist. Enlarged view:
    The title page of the famous First Folio from 1623
  • [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Ein Foto des gut erhaltenden Einband mit der Aufbewahrungskassette. Enlarged view:
    The well-preserved cover plus storage box
  • [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Foto des Inhaltsverzeichnisses aus der First Folio. Enlarged view:
    The table of contents - divided into comedies, stories and tragedies.
  • [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Foto der Titelseite vom "Sommernachtstraum". Enlarged view:
    The title page to Shakespeare's legendary A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Foto des Vorgangs in dem die First Folio behutsam in einem Spezialscanner digitalisiert wird. Enlarged view:
    Page by page, the First Folio was very carefully digitized in the USB with a special scanner.
  • [This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Foto des Vorgangs in dem die First Folio behutsam in einem Spezialscanner digitalisiert wird. Enlarged view:
    Page by page, the First Folio was very carefully digitized in the USB with a special scanner.

UCL digitises Shakespeare's famous first edition