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Loans 2017

Rethinking Kollwitz - Käthe Kollwitz Prize Winner of the Academy of Arts, Berlin

Käthe Kollwitz Museum Cologne

Exhibition duration: 29.09. - 10.12.2017

    The Art. Monatshefte ... Volume 57.1928, Munich KP870-57.1928
    Prussian Academy of Arts. Fall exhibition Oct./Nov. 1931 K1+B1130-1931
    Prussian Academy of Arts. Fall exhibition Nov./Dec. 1934 K1+B1130-1934

Konrad the Great. The Adenauer era in Cologne 1917 - 1933

Cologne City Museum

Exhibition duration: 01.07. - 19.11.2017

    The Cologne post : a daily paper publ. by the Army of the Rhine, Band 1919 ZTG549-1919,MAE/DEZ

"Paris erwacht! Hittorffs Erfindung der Place de la Concorde".

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum & Fondation Corboud

Ausstellungsdauer: 07.04. - 09.07.2017

Leihgaben aus unserer Sammlung Hittorff:

    A practical Treatise on gas-light, exhibiting a summary description of the apparatus and machinery best calledculated for illuminating streets, houses... with carburetted hydrogen or coal-gas, V48/1
    The Luxor Obelisk, K3+QU14
    Précis sur les pyramidions en bronce doré employés par les anciens Egyptiens comme couronnement de quelgues-uns de leurs obélisques, à l'appui de la proposition de restituer de la même manière le pyramidion de l'obélisque de Louqusor, K3/13

The divided heaven. Reformation and religious diversity on the Rhine and Ruhr

Ruhr Museum, Essen
Exhibition duration: 03.04. - 31.10.2017

Loans from our Wallraf collections and the secondary school library:

    Catechism by Jakob Schoepper, Dortmund 1549, GBIV3583
    Collection of instructions and letters of the Archbishop of Cologne Gebhard von Waldburg-Trauchburg (1583), EVA156
    Desiderius Erasmus: Biblia utriusque testamenti iuxta vulgatam translationem & eam quàm haberi potuit emendatissimam, Basel 1538, EVA5063
    Dietrich Graminäus: Anleitung oder Unterweisung wie ein Richter Kriminalsachen, die Zauberer und Hexen betreffen, verhalten sollen, printed in Cologne 1594, GBV322+A
    Erasmus of Rotterdam: Apophthegmata. Basel 1531, GBII+D71
    "Großer Gott wir loben dich" - Hymnal of the German Christians, 1941, STEI112
    Erasmus of Rotterdam: De libero arbitrio diatribe. Coloniae: Heronem Alopecium 1524 Signature, AD+BL161/161+A
    Signature of the exhibition catalog: 18A8236

Palmyra - what remains? Louis-Francois Cassas and his journey to the Orient

Museums for Cultural History in Hanover
Exhibition duration: 09.03.2017 - 09.07.2017

On loan from our Hittorff Collection:

    Louis Francois Cassas: Voyage pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phénicie, de la Palestine et de la Basse Egypte. Paris 1799, GG16/3260-1

Psalms, Bible, Controversies - An exhibition to mark the 400th anniversary of the death of the pious poet and controversial professor Kaspar Ulenberg (1548-1617)

University and State Library Düsseldorf
Exhibition duration: 18.05. to 29.06.2017

On loan from the Thomas a Kempis Collection:

    Thomas a Kempis, verdeutschet durch Casparum Ulenbergium : Zwey andechtige Büchlin. Cologne: Calenius & Quentel 1586, MKVI318+C
    Ulenberg, Kaspar : Teuffelsgeyssel. Compiled by M. T. [Matthäus Tympe]. Münster: Raesfeldt 1606. shelfmark: GBIV5498

Under and over: the Heumarkt

Cologne City Museum
Exhibition duration: 09.12.2016 - 01.05.2017, extended until 14.05.2017

On loan from the Hermann Heinrich Becker Collection:

    Marx, Karl; Friedrich Engels: Manifesto of the Communist Party, London: Burghard, published in Feb. 1848, V59/65
    Exhibition catalog, 18B2908

It's up to the man! Erich Bödeker and Josef Wittlich

Neuss, Clemens Sels Museum

Exhibition period: 19.03. - 28.05.2017

On loan from:

    Neckermann-Versand KG <Frankfurt, Main>: Catalog 162 (Spring Summer 1962), XG716-162.1962
    Exhibition catalog: 18L8004