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Series: Internet, disinformation und digital politics

Our new panel series Internet, Disinformation and Digital Politics takes up current political and social issues. The subject of disinformation is playing an increasingly important role in the discussion about the war in Europe and the Covid 19 pandemic and will be examined from different angles. We will also take a look at the digital policy situation in Germany.
The event is organized by the University and City Library of Cologne and takes place within the framework of the Science Forum on Cologne and Essen.
The discussions will be held in German.


Digitalisation policy

Tuesday, 22.11.2022, 18:00

One year after the formation of the Berlin traffic light coalition (and a good six months after the coalition negotiations in North Rhine-Westphalia), it is time to take stock of the digital policy situation in Germany. Moreover, in mid-2022, the resolutions of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA) were passed at the European level, which can be considered flagship projects of an international data and digital policy. The panel discussion will summarise and assess the "digital policy situation".


Ina Scharrenbach
Ministerin für Heimat, Kommunales, Bau und Digitalisierung in NRW

Carla Hustedt
Bereichsleiterin Digitalisierte Gesellschaft bei der Stiftung Mercator

Prof. Christoph Bieber
Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator am Center for Advances Internet Studies und Professor für Politikwissenschaft an der Universität Duisburg-Essen

Dr. Martin Andree
Privatdozent für digitale Medien an der Universität zu Köln


Dr. Michael Köhler, WDR 3


Kleiner Sendesaal des WDR im WDR Funkhaus
Wallrafplatz 5, 50667 Cologne

Admission is free and registration is not required.

v.l.n.r.: Dr. M. Andree, I. Scharrenbach, M. Köhler, C. Hustedt, Prof. C. Bieber

Corona and Disinformation

Tuesday, 25.10.2022, 19:30

The panel discussion is dedicated to the concrete effects of disinformation and conspiracy theories on the course of the Corona pandemic in Germany. The following questions will be considered: Which platforms did the actors of disinformation and/or conspiracy theories use? How is disinformation reinforced by algorithms? What can be done about it? What countermeasures can be taken? Can curation with or against algorithms help?


Dr. med Johannes Nießen
Mitglied im Corona-Expertenrat der Bundesregierung und Leiter des Kölner Gesundheitsamts

Florian Aigner
Physiker, Buchautor und Wissenschaftspublizist

Heidi Schulze
Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung an der LMU München, forscht zu Radikalisierung in (alternativen) Sozialen Medien und zur Nutzung ideologisch motivierter Nachrichtenwebsites

Korinna Hennig
Wissenschaftsredakteurin unter anderem im NDR-Podcast Coronavirus-Update


Dr. Michael Köhler


Kleiner Sendesaal des WDR im WDR Funkhaus
Wallrafplatz 5, 50667 Cologne

Admission is free and registration is not required.

v.l.n.r.: F. Aigner, H. Schulze, M. Köhler, K. Hennig, Dr. med J. Nießen

War and Disinformation

Thursday, 01.09.2022, 18:00

Currently, the war Russia is waging against Ukraine dominates the headlines. The general assessment is that this war will not come to an end in a short time. Essential elements of all wars are from targeted information to influence the (potential) warring parties as well as disinformation and propaganda. A new development in the current Ukraine war is the targeted publication of intelligence information to deter warring parties from planned undertakings. This panel discussion will focus, among other things, on the role of algorithms and social platforms in propaganda or disinformation in warlike conflicts.


Robert Meyer


Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Cheauré
Professorin für Slavische Philologie und Gender Studies, Universität Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala
Professor für Internationale Politik an der Fakultät für Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität der Bundeswehr München; Mitdiskutant im Podcast “Sicherheitshalber” zur Sicherheitspolitik
Dr. Constanze Kurz
Sprecherin des Chaos Computer Club
Dr. Tobias Schmid
Direktor der Landesanstalt für Medien in NRW


Kleiner Sendesaal des WDR im WDR Funkhaus
Wallrafplatz 5, 50667 Cologne

v.l.n.r.: Prof. Dr. E. Cheauré, Prof. Dr. Carlo Masala, R. Meyer, Dr. Tobias Schmid, Dr. C. Kurz