More than 400,000 e-books from different publishers have been made available to students in North Rhine-Westphalia since the beginning of 2021.
The state government has made available a total of 40 million euros for the cooperative acquisition of e-book licenses through the E-Books.NRW initiative until 2023, and for some offers longer. This should support students and universities in digital teaching. The aim of the initiative was to provide students with nationwide access to the widest possible range of e-books.
These E-Books.NRW offerings can be searched in the UCL-Portal or via the following publishers' platforms:
- Bloomsbury Collections
Access terminated, but with new license extended by USB Cologne - de Gruyter
Access until 31.12.2026 - Duncker & Humblot eLibrary
Access terminated, but with new license extended by USB Cologne - Elsevier ebook / Freedom and Backfiles Collection (Zugriff über Science Direct)
Access expired - Hanser eLibrary
Access expired - Kohlhammer eLibrary
Access until 31.12.2026 - Meiner eLibrary
Access terminated, but with new license extended by USB Cologne - Narr Francke Attempto eLibrary
Access expired - Nomos eLibrary
Permanent access as at 31.12.2023. Moreover extended with new license by USB Cologne - Preselect (Contentselect)
Access until 31.12.2026 - Springer (english e-book packages 2016 to 2023)
Permanent access - Taylor & Francis (Titel ab Erscheinungsjahr 2011)
Access terminated, but extended with new license [copyright years 2022-2024; including updates 2025] by USB Cologne - utb scholars e-library
Access terminated, but with new license extended by USB Cologne - VDI Verlag-eLibrary
Permanent access as at 31.12.2023 - Wiley Online Library
Access expired
How do you access the literature?
You can find a large part of the titles in the Cologne University Catalogue.
Within our premises, the e-books are available to all library users. Students and members of the University of Cologne can also access the e-media from home via a VPN connection.