The Cologne Council Library (Syndikatsbibliothek) was founded in 1602 as a "reference library" for the Council of the City of Cologne and its administrative officials. It existed with this task, but with varying financial resources, until the end of the Free Imperial City in 1794. Until the 18th century, it had developed on a rather modest scale, and it was not until the 19th century that it was expanded into a scholarly city library that met the needs of the business and educational bourgeoisie. In this way, the former Council Library, as the foundation of the later Cologne City Library, came into the possession of today's University and City Library.
Today, the syndicate library is again kept in the USB in its original closed arrangement under the shelfmark group "SB".
The Historical Collections Reading Room ist used for research purposes.
A survey and new cataloguing in the years 1824/25 revealed 1049 numbers in 1817 volumes, of which 1434 still exist today. Almost all of them bear the emblem of Cologne as Supralibros. From this owner's mark, which is attached as gilded embossing on the book covers, two stamps of different sizes exist, probably made as early as 1603. Their presence makes it possible to assign volumes to the Council Library, which were converted into other signature groups of the City Library around 1900.
Essentially, the inventory of the "Nova Biblioteca", which was kept in the ground floor of the town hall tower at the beginning of the 19th century with the archive, has been preserved in its original context and thus bears witness to the beginning of Cologne's municipal book collections to this day.
- Die Ratsbibliothek 1602-1794 in: Quarg, Gunter: "Ganz Köln steckt voller Bücherschätze"- Von der Ratsbibliothek zur Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek, Signatur: KMB/!YG KÖLN 31 2002
- Kleine Schriftenreihe, Band 13: 400 Jahre Ratsbibliothek / Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek: Ansprachen beim Festakt im Hansasaal des Historischen Rathauses zu Köln am 28. November 2002. Signature: 11B2372