Digital Collection Grantha and Telugu Prints
A collection of Indian Sanskrit prints of the 19th and early 20th centuries in Grantha and Telugu (two South Indian writings) from the collection of the Institute for Indology and Tamil Studies at the University of Cologne.
The prints are from the 19th century and come from India. Due to the climate there, they were not in good condition at first. In 2006, the Institute for Indology and Tamil Studies began to assemble the parts of the collection and, with the financial support of the Dean's Office of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Cologne, it was able to undertake the cleaning and scanning work.
Many of the pieces of this collection that exist in Cologne are now unique, as Grantha libraries are extremely rare. A large collection was destroyed in the 80s of the 20th century during a major fire in Madras (today: Chennai). The Cologne collection is well known among experts.
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