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Wroclaw Dissertations - Scientific Work from the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelm University

The Cologne collection of Wroclaw dissertations and postdoctoral theses comprises about 6.300 titles. The collection contains writings from about 1850 to 1945 - some older titles are also documented - and includes dissertations and habilitations from the philosophical, scientific and legal faculties. Medical titles are not included. The collection is based on the exchange of university theses.

The UCL Cologne has digitised its holdings of Wroclaw dissertations and postdoctoral theses up to 1916. Unfortunately, the paper quality of most originals is poor (acidic paper); moreover, there are already numerous losses in the paper of the not firmly bound prints. The digitisation project will preserve the texts, make them accessible to the general public and protect the fragile originals in the future.

An incentive for the realisation of this project was that the Uniwersytet Wrocławski is the partner university of the University of Cologne. In a parallel project, the dissertations and habilitations of the old University of Königsberg (Sammlungsportal Königsberg), whose state and university library was destroyed during the Second World War, were also digitised.

For copyright reasons, the digitised dissertations and habilitations are only offered online up to and including 1916. In total, the collection contains about 1900 digital copies. The titles were uploaded with automatic text recognition (OCR), with the exception of the title in Fraktur font.

This work (Digital Collection of Wroclaw Dissertations), identified by the University and City Library of Cologne is not subject to any known copyright restrictions.

If you use our digitised documents, we would be pleased about the citing of our name.

This collection is marked with Open Access.

Open Access refers to the worldwide free access to scientific publications on the Internet, subject to copyright protection. No legal or financial barriers should stand in the way of the reader worldwide.

Open Access at the University and City Library of Cologne