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  • Drawn portrait of Georg Sabinus, the founding rector of the Albertina (University of Koenigsberg). He wears a hat and a full beard. Enlarged view:
    Quelle Wikipedia: Georg Sabinus Gründungsrektor der Albertina (Universität zu Königsberg)
  • An illustration of the seal of the University of Königsberg around 1544. Enlarged view:
    Quelle Wikipedia: Siegel der Universität Königsberg um 1544

Königsberg dissertations - science from a decayed university

The Cologne collection of Königsberg dissertations and habilitation works until 1945 comprises about 2,000 volumes. The collection was developed at the end of the 19th century on the basis of the university theses exchange and includes dissertations and habilitations of the philosophical, natural sciences and law faculty. Medical titles are not included.

As part of its internal systematic digitisation, the UCL Cologne has digitized its stock of the Königsberg dissertations and habilitations until 1916. Most originals are of poor quality ; the non-bound prints show several damaged parts.The project protects the fragile originals in terms of use, preserves the texts in digital form and makes them accessible to the general public. In a parallel project, the dissertations and habilitations of the University of Wroclaw were also digitized.An important aspect of these digitisation projects is the solodarity of the University of Cologne with the two major eastern universities and their libraries.The Albertus University of Königsberg existed from 1544 to 1945. The archives of this university were largely lost in 1945. Since 1978, the remains of the archive have been kept in the Prussian Secret State Archives in Berlin.

For copyright reasons, digitized dissertations and habilitations are only offered online until 1916.

This work (Digitale Sammlung Königsberger Dissertationen), identified by the University and City Library of Cologne, is not subject to any known copyright restrictions.

If you use our digitised documents, we would be pleased about the citing of our name.

This collection is marked with Open Access.

Open Access refers to the worldwide free access to scientific publications on the Internet, subject to copyright protection. No legal or financial barriers should stand in the way of the reader worldwide.

Open Access at the University and City Library of Cologne