Enlarged view:
Johann Gropper, Eberhard Billick: Antididagma ", Köln: Gennep, 1544. Beigefügtes Werk: Martin Bucer: Sententia Item Delectorvm // per Venerabile Capitulum Ecclesiae Coloniensis
Enlarged view:
PSalter wol ver//teutscht ausz der heyli-//gen sprach, Basel, 1526
On 22 July 2004, the Evangelische Stadtkirchenverband Köln (now: Evangelischer Kirchenverband Köln und Region) presented the holdings of the Protestant Library Cologne, founded in 1857, to the University and City Library (UCL) of Cologne in a solemn ceremony in the Old Senate Hall of the University of Cologne. In 2006, the library of the Protestant Community of Cologne, was added to the donation. The transfer of the Evangelical Library Cologne is the largest acquisition of UCL Cologne to date. The acquisition represents a significant increase in holdings without any major overlaps with the previous holdings. The incorporation of the library was completed in spring 2012. An insight into the collection is offered by the exhibition catalogue, which was published on the occasion of the Protestant Kirchentag 2007 in Cologne (in German): ">Schmitz, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): "das auch die guten bücher behallten und nicht verloren werden". Köln 2007. 219 S. (Schriften der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, 18), ISBN: 978-3-931596-40-8. Preis: € 20,00.
Further information on the Protestant Library Collection Cologne
The inventory history
The collection, which Protestants have bought, collected and maintained over 147 years, comprises 70,000 volumes. In the end, it served as a publicly accessible specialist scientific library for Protestant theology and its peripheral areas with a special collection on Rhineland history and church history. Principally it was used for church educational work and pastoral care, but of course it was also available to church committees and the church administration. The theological literature, as far as it was not yet available, has been closed and forms today the signature group EBK; in the other subjects, especially art, literature, history, was selected according to the usual acquisition criteria from the stock.
Accessible to a wide range of users
The works are available to all people interested in theology, especially students of Protestant Theology, but also to all citizens of Cologne and other interested parties in the spirit of the founders and the City and University Library. In addition to new theological literature, the library received an outstanding collection of old Protestant bibles and writings from the Reformation to about 1800. These valuable books form the signature group EVA with a collection of more than 800 units complete the previous collection of predominantly Catholic old prints of monastic provenance.