The journal was founded in 1827 under the title Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, Geschichte und griechische Philosophie (Rhenish Museum for Philology, History and Greek Philosophy) and continued from 1832/33 to 1839 under the title Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. Since 1842 the "Neue Folge" of the Rheinischen Museums für Philologie.
Today, the "Rheinisches Museum" is considered to be the world's oldest existing journal in the field of classical studies and is one of the most important journals in the field of classical philology in the German-speaking world. The editorial office is now located in the Department of Classical Philology of the Institute of Classical Studies at the University of Cologne. Starting with the volume 1827, the journal is available in digital form; the articles published in it, with the exception of those published in the last two volumes, are available as PDFs available free of charge on the Internet.
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