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Historical and digitised newspapers and journals

The "Rhineland magazines" are a collection of about 70 newspapers and periodicals from the holdings of the University and City Library of Cologne, which were digitized as part of the project "Securing the written cultural heritage - Preservation of the Inventory in North Rhine-Westphalian University and State Libraries".

The range of the collected writings extends from publications such as the "Welt- und Staatsboth zu Köln", the "Cabaret-Tanz-Revue" to the "Kaiserliche Reichs-Ober-Post-Amts-Zeitung zu Köln". As diverse as the range of digitized writings may be, they all have one thing in common: they all relate to the city of Cologne, either through their content or through their publication in a Cologne publishing house. This covers the period from the beginning of the 18th century to the end of the 20th century, with the permission of the rights holders being obtained for more recent publications.

This work (Rhineland Monographies), identified by the University and City Library of Cologne is not subject to any known copyright restrictions.

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Open Access at the University and City Library of Cologne