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Graphic collections

Our graphic collections are partially digitised. Graphic works that are not yet in the public domain can be ordered in the Historical Collections Reading Room.

  • Europäische Städte- und Landschaftsdarstellungen - 1400 illustrations from the 16th and 17th centuries - taken from our book collections.
  • Sammlung Jakob Ignaz Hittorff - Albums with around 2500 original drawings by the architect Hittorff and his collected books on art and archaeology.
  • Portraitsammlung der USB Köln - over 1000 portraits with extensive information on the life dates of those portrayed from the year 1507 onwards.
  • Sammlung Eduard Prüssen - Illustrations in printmaking technique as woodcuts and linocuts and as etchings, book, press and advertising illustrations, posters, bookplates, hand press prints, self-illustrated books, sketches and drafts.