Goch - Bibliotheca domus presbyterorum Gaesdonck

Holdings of the Library of the Görres-Gymnasium Düsseldorf
Königsallee 57
40212 Düsseldorf
Phone: +49 211 8998400
Fax: +49 211 8929470
The Görres-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf, founded in 1545, was run by Jesuits for 150 years, but only a small part of the books still come from their library. The majority of today stock, which includes about 9000 titles published before 1900, was purchased during the 19th century, including individual volumes from secularised monastery libraries such as Heisterbach or Werden. This also includes a rich collection of school programmes as well as a number of bequests and donations from former teachers or pupils, of which Ferdinand Deycks library may have brought the greatest growth. The library has a universal layout and contains prints from all eras on every conceivable subject, from ancient geography to modern language and literature to a Chinese gospel of Matthew, but it is influenced by 19th-century literature. In keeping with the main subjects of the time, history, classical philology and German literature are best represented, although the natural sciences and geography also have remarkable holdings. The library and estate of the classical philologist Abraham Voss, including manuscripts by his father, the poet and translator Johann Heinrich Voss, are particularly valuable. The "Bibliotheca Vossiana", which primarily contains literature from the philologies, is still set up separately and attracts fewer pupils and teachers than literary scholars from all over the world.<em> From: Beßelmann, Karl-Ferdinand: Alte Bücher – neu geschätzt. Köln 1998