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EDZ: A Fateful Election for Europe? On the importance of Europe in the Bundestag election campaign and in the "post-Merkel era".

Cologne Europe Talks within the framework of the Europe Talks

on Tuesday, 04.05.2021, 7.30 - 9.00 p.m.

Keynote speech on the European policy positions of the parties in the Bundestag election campaign
- Dr. Isabelle Borucki, University of Siegen / nRW School of Governance, Duisburg

Moderated discussion:
- Dr. Isabelle Borucki, University of Siegen / nRW School of Governance, Duisburg
- Prof. Dr. Christian Lequesne, SciencesPo, Paris
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Pollak, Webster Vienna Private University, Vienna / Institute for European Politics, Berlin

Mareen Hirschnitz, freelance moderator

With the end of the Merkel era, Germany's role in Europe is also under scrutiny. New guidelines from the Chancellor's Office will result in new impulses for European policy. The candidates for chancellor bring different perspectives on Europe, which are shaped by their biographies as much as by their party affiliation. So what does Europe stand for in the Bundestag election campaign? Where will Europe score points, who has integration ideas, where is a change of course discernible? And in particular, what expectations do our European neighbours have of Merkel's successor in the Chancellor's office? We would like to discuss these and other questions with you.

Online panel discussion

- Dr. Clemens Breuer
Phone: 0221/92584756
The link to participate (ZOOM) will be sent to you by e-mail in the afternoon of the day of the event. The event is free of charge.
