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EDC: Elections in Western Europe: How is the Netherlands developing? (German)

The panel discussion as part of our "EU aktuell" series and will be held in German.

on Friday, 19. March 2021, 18.00

- Siebo Janssen, Europe experte
- Jochen Leyhe

To what extent do the elections in the Netherlands influence developments in Europe? What role will the country play in the future? Or has it already positioned itself as the representative of the "thrifty" in the EU, holding its hand on the lids of European debt pots?

How have the big party families fared and how is this being observed in the EU? The Netherlands has always been a "trendsetter" in both positive and negative ways. Will another European trend come from our neighbour, and will this influence German-Dutch relations?

The event is a service of our European Documentation Centre

