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The University of Cologne participates in the nationwide framework agreement for Open Access transformation of the publisher Hogrefe, which provides for a read-and-publish model for PsyJOURNALS.

Logo and lettering of the publisher hogrefe

As a scientist at the University of Cologne and the University Hospital of Cologne, you can publish in the publisher's psychological journals without additional costs.

This contract runs until 31.12.2025.

Publish Open Access

You can publish your article directly. On the publisher's website you will find the most important points for submission in the FAQ for authors (German).

In addition, Hogrefe grants participating institutions a 25% reduced APC (Article Publication Charge) on the respective list prices of the titles "European Journal of Psychology Open" and "Psychological Test Adaptation and Development (PTAD)" in the sense of the common path to Open Access.

Full reading access

The portfolio includes all current and online available psychological journals of the publisher.

PsyJournals: List of journals

Further information

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