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Long-term data archiving - Project "Rosetta"

The lifespan of digital content has so far been shorter than that of its physical originals - this poses new challenges for us as a memory institution.

With our digitisation projects, we are continuously working on making our old stock available in digital form to science, research and the interested public. In order to fulfil our mission of long-term archiving, we have participated as a pilot library in the project "Long-term availability for universities".

Under the leadership of the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (hbz), the project was launched in 2017 with the aim of introducing a state-wide solution for the long-term availability of digital materials. With the help of the Rosetta software we developed a workflow for us which enables the automated transfer of retro-digitised material into a digital archive. The pilot project was completed in 2018.

We are currently establishing the workflow for digitised monographs. Further workflows must be developed for non-book materials or even born-digital materials.

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