Dear social media fans,
We welcome comments, links, photos, videos and contributions on our social media channels. It is important for us to treat each other openly, objectively and respectfully.
Be nice to each other! Everyone has the right to a free opinion - within the limits permitted by law.
Not welcome are:
- Insults, threats and disparagement of any kind
- Defamation of minorities, marginalised groups or people with disabilities
- Discriminatory or racist content
- Incitement of the people and dissemination of propaganda material of unconstitutional organisationscalls for criminal offences or vigilante justice, glorification of weapons and violence
- Conspiracy narratives
- Publication of personal data such as telephone numbers, addresses and real names
- Depiction of violence and incitement to violence
- Incitement to commit crimes
- Pornography and obscenity
- Violation of third party rights
- Comments that are not related to the topic of the post in question
- Links to external websites unrelated to the original post
- Foreign language content that we cannot easily translate
- Spam, advertising messages, chain messages or repetitive comments.
If comments do not comply with our netiquette, we reserve the right to apply the measures provided by the social media platforms.
Netiquette Netiquette in digital communication at the University of Cologne
Our social media channels: