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Walter Thönig - lust for colour

An art exhibition - modern art on canvas and color cubes

18.08. - 21.11.2021

Walter Thönig - he materializes color, solidifies it into spatial bodies that stand out from the surface as floating bodies. Thönig applies the colors in many layers on top of each other, proceeding purely intuitively. On closer inspection, the countless color nuances and pigmentations become apparent. As a result, very aesthetic images emerge from this working method. Walter Thönig's color-space bodies are not generally interpretable. Feeling always flows in and touches the viewer in his personal world of experience. (E. Froitzheim, art critic)



[This content is not available in "Englisch" yet] Schwarz-weißes Porträt von Walter Thöning. Er steht vor einer steinartigen Wand und trägt ein helles Hemd.

W. Thönig was born in 1946 and studied at the Cologne Werkschulen, now KISD (Cologne International School of Design). From 1974 to 1980 he traveled through Europe and Africa to take on various work assignments and further develop his artistic skills. In 1988 Thönig realized his dream of having his own exhibition and studio space in Cologne, which has remained his center of life to this day. In addition to countless exhibitions throughout Germany and Europe, a particular success of his work was certainly that the Metropolitan Opera in New York acquired a work of his and exhibits it in the foyer.




University and City Library of Cologne, Foyer, Universitätsstraße 33, 50931 Cologne, Germany

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. - Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.





Walter Thönig

+49176 237 709 79