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IMAGINE AGING - A different look at aging

A photo exhibition of the Cluster of Excellence CECAD and the University and City Library of Cologne

18.08. - 06.11.2022

Aging presents us with great challenges - as a society and as individuals. The Cluster of Excellence CECAD meets this challenge: with basic research on the aging process and on different diseases whose risk increases with age. Microscopy plays an important role in solving the riddles of aging. Researchers use it to create true works of art - of the highest quality, both scientifically and aesthetically. In the exhibition "Imagine Aging", large-format photographs convey why aging research is important to all of us. We invite you to experience aging from a new perspective and gain fascinating insights into the world of aging research and microscopy.

Exhibition location

University and City Library of Cologne, Foyer, Universitätsstraße 33, 50931 Cologne, Germany

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 9 -24 - Saturday and Sunday from 9 - 21.