My name is human - Poster exhibition
10.08.2023 - 10.01.2024
About the exhibition
On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the UN Human Rights, the exhibition "My Name is Human" presents visual interpretations of the 30 articles protecting human rights. Designer Jochen Stankowski looks at the 1948 United Nations resolution and translates its words with design.
Opening: August 10, 2023
In August, we celebrate the opening of the poster exhibition with you with this program:
6:00 p.m. - Welcome & keynote speech.
- Greeting Dr. Hubertus Neuhausen
- Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christof Breidenich (Macromedia University of Applied Sciences):
- Design concept of the exhibition "My name is human".
18:10 - Talk round: How do we protect human rights today?
- Gerhart Baum, Federal Minister (ret.)
- Jessica Mosbahi, City of Cologne - Office for Europe and International Affairs
- Prof. Dr. Angelika Nußberger, University of Cologne - Academy for European Human Rights Protection
- Moderation: Martin Stankowski
18:45 - Vernissage with cold drinks and snacks
Cooperation & Contributors
The University and City Library of Cologne presents this poster exhibition in cooperation with the Academy for European Human Rights Protection and the Office for Europe and International Affairs of the City of Cologne. The idea to show this exhibition project in Cologne is based on the initiative of "Die AnStifter" from Stuttgart. In addition, the designer Birgit Schöne is involved in the exhibition: She presents the work on her children's rights primer.
Motives of the exhibition (selection)

Article 12: Sphere of freedom of the individual

Article 27: Freedom of cultural life
Human rights are the basis of society, the guideline and standard for human coexistence. They are the basis for the state and politics in their actions and their responsibility towards all citizens. And just as the state and its representatives must base their actions on these maxims, citizens must also be guided by them in their dealings with the community and, above all, with all others. Thus, human rights are the basis of coexistence, the protection of the individual against the omnipotence of the state, but also the protection of citizens against the encroachments of his and her fellow men.
75 places
The aim of the project is to realize the exhibition "My Name is Human" at 75 places in 2023 & 2024 to keep the topic of democracy and human rights present. The poster exhibition is already on display at around 30 locations.
To the artist
Jochen Stankowski was born in 1940. In 1954 he completed an apprenticeship as a typesetter. In 1965 he completed his design studies in London. In 1967, he became a partner in the Anton Stankowski studio in Stuttgart. In 1972, he founded DruckBetrieb in Cologne. In 1974, he co-founded the "Kölner VolksBlatt". He designed numerous posters, flyers, brochures and other media. Since 1998 he lives in Dresden and is represented by the "Galerie Konkret" since 2005. Several of his publications appeared in the publishing house of the bookstore Walther König in Cologne.
Website of the artist: www.atelier-stankowski.de
The exhibits are an offer to the senses and focus on the basic principles of design: human rights can be experienced here through forms and images. We make images of reality and express them in words. Every sentence is a "picture of reality" (Wittgenstein). Conversely, ideas and language evoke images or imagination. Language and images are two sides of reality.
Language is rarely unambiguous. It moves on several levels between information and emotion. Ambiguity, symbolism or speaking between the lines are not always intentional, but also a consequence of cultural factors such as origin, gender, role, education. And perhaps it is visual translation that limits the shores of language and provides it with unambiguity. It is the desire for knowledge.
The title of the exhibition goes back to the song lyrics of "Mein Name ist Mensch" by the Berlin band "Ton Steien Scherben" which was written by Rio Reiser.
Human and children's rights
Here you can access the general declarations of
human rights and the
children's rights.
An artistically designed publication by Birgit Schöne, aimed at children and young people, can be found here:
Exhibition location
Cologne University and City Library
University Street 33, 50931 Cologne
Of course, you can visit the exhibition without a library card. Please ask the security staff, who will be happy to let you through.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to midnight
Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Dr. Philipp Budde / University and City Library / Staff Office Marketing, Press and Public Relations
E-mail: budde@ub.uni-koeln.de