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transcript OPEN library Polititkwissenschaft

The UCL Cologne is enabler of the crowdfunding project transcript OPEN Library Politikwissenschaft.

The blue-white Logo of "Open Library - Politikwissenschaft".

In five rounds, 103 new publications and 170 backlist titles from the field of political science have already been made available as open access publications. The transcript Subject Collection Political Science is characterized by the high quality of the content of the publications and the reputation of the authors. The sub-disciplines include:

  • international and European politics 
  • globalization
  • political parties, social movements and civil society
  • policy
  • politics
  • political theory and polity

The Open Library Community comprises 65 institutions from German-speaking countries that act as a library consortium.

The University and City Library of Cologne has been cooperating with various Open Access projects on behalf of the university for many years in order to promote the free publication of academic monographs.