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33 minutes for ... research projects@UCL

Grab a cup of coffee, half an hour and join us as we present research projects with the UCL - at the Coffee Lectures in the summer semester 2024.

In this series we present ongoing cooperation projects with researchers. Here you can find out more about the various roles that the University and City Library of Cologne can play in research projects, the research-related services we offer and the support we can provide.

  • Schedule: 33 minutes each via Zoom - 22 minutes lecture + 11 minutes questions
  • Date: every Thursday, 14:00
  • Target group: researchers, advanced students / doctoral candidates

Coffee Lecture registration:
After registration you will receive a confirmation e-mail with information about the Zoom meeting.

Information materials:

The lectures will be recorded. The videos and the presentation slides will be linked after the lectures under the respective topics.
Automatically generated subtitles for the videos are available in German and English. They work best in the Chrome browser or Edge.

In addition, you can find a curated bibliography of our Coffee Lectures here:

Planned dates and topics in SS 2024

23.05.2024: Data stewardship in health research

We will briefly introduce the National Research Data Infrastructure for Personal Health Data NFDI4Health and the possibilities of a university library to support researchers on site in their data-driven research by means of data stewards. We would like to present an exciting insight and practical examples from our work.

Presentation on the Coffee Lecture "Data stewardship in health research" (German, PDF 1,69 MB) >>

Data Stewardship in der Gesundheitsforschung

Your contact persons

13.06.2024: QVM project: Virtual Campus

The Virtual Campus project aims to simplify navigation across the University of Cologne's widely scattered buildings. An AR app can be used to display the route to the building, seminar room or book. The UCL also offers the option of taking part in a guided tour or displaying information on points of interest in the building.

Virtual Campus, German

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20.06.2024: Monastery libraries in the Cologne area

Interest in historical book collections has been growing in the humanities for several decades. Books and libraries are increasingly recognised as a source for the interests, the cosmos of knowledge and the world view of past eras. This lecture reports on an ongoing cataloguing project at the UCL - with a particular focus on the libraries of the Benedictine Abbey of Brauweiler and the Carthusian Monastery in Cologne.

Presentation on the Coffee Lecture "Monastery libraries in the Cologne area" (German, PDF 2,2 MB) >>

Klosterbibliotheken im Kölner Raum

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  • Simon Grigo Historische Bestände und Sammlungen, Bestandserhaltung und Digitalisierung

    Contact via E-Mail

27.06.2024: “Communicating science - CEPLAS photo exhibition at the UCL”

In this short keynote speech, Dr. Petra Bracht and Dr. Philipp Budde will give an insight into their work: from public relations to events and marketing. Using the example of the photo exhibition “SMART plants for the requirements of tomorrow”, they will explain why it is important to bring research results to the general public in a way that is appropriate for the target group and which options are available for this.

Presentation on the Coffee Lecture "Communicating science - CEPLAS photo exhibition at the UCL" (German, PDF, 1,15 MB) >>

Communicating science - CEPLAS photo exhibition at the UCL, German

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04.07.2024: SIS Philosophy

The FID Philosophy has been based at the USB since 2018 - and a lot has happened since then. Specialised information services are characterised, among other things, by the fact that their service portfolio is not only shaped by the supporting institution, but also strongly by their subject area. We would like to introduce the PhilPortal and give an insight into how the FID has networked with the specialised community and in which direction the PhilPortal is developing.

Presentation of the Coffee Lecture "SIS Philosophy" (pdf, 2,7 MB) >>

SIS Philosophy

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11.07.2024: Provenance research

Collections tell a story. The closed stacks of the UCL are full of hidden and forgotten book collections. These include original private collections as well as the libraries of denominational or secular institutions. Some collections were purchased by the UCL, others were donated to the library and still others came into its possession unlawfully as looted or stolen property. Provenance researchers track down these collections and make their history visible. The lecture provides a brief insight into the background and practice of provenance research at the UCL.

Presentation of the Coffee Lecture “Provenance Research, deutsch” (pdf, 1.72 MB) >>

Provenance research, deutsch

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18.07.2024: Incunabula indexing and digitisation

Formal library cataloguing is not sufficient to describe incunabula (books from the period 1452/54-1500) in all their individual facets. The cataloguing of these first printed books in union and/or library catalogues is very incomplete and insufficient for scientific purposes. The UCL has therefore decided to create a new data model for the in-depth indexing of incunabula and their copy specifics as well as their digitisation, which can be jointly and sustainably filled with structured information by librarians and researchers.
One of the most authoritative databases to date is the complete catalogue of cradle prints, published in 1925 and arranged according to the Prussian instructions.

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