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From our book treasure: Publications of the UCL Cologne

Not a bit dusty: our books tell of Icelandic children's authors, star architects of the 19th century and extraordinary collector personalities from the past and present. For the eye, there is charming book art and panoramas of the Rhine.

30. Hittorff Réseautiste : ses dessins et textes conservés à la bibliothéque de l’Institut de France et dans sa bibliothèque personnelle, à l´Université de Cologne /

von Michael Kiene, Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln. - Köln : Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, 2024. - 478 Seiten. – in französischer Sprache
(Inventar der Zeichnungen von Jakob Ignaz Hittorff in der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln ; 8)
(Schriften der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln; 30)

Preis: 189€

Leseprobe >>


Hittorff - Netzwerker: Zeichnungen und Texte, die in der Bibliothek des Institut de France und in seiner persönlichen Bibliothek an der Universität zu Köln aufbewahrt werden.

Zum Sammlungsportal Jakob Ignaz Hittorff >>

29. Christ, Magdalene und Neuheuser, Hanns Peter:  Handgeschöpfte Buchkultur: bibliophile Drucke auf Zandersbütten bis zum Jahr 1920

Köln, 2022, 247 S. : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-947779-30-7, 34,90  €
Schriften der Universitäts- Stadtbibliothek Köln ; 29

You can obtain the book from the Zanders Foundation

28. Hommage für Hittorff : 1792-1867 : Bilder, Bücher und Würdigungen

published by Christiane Hoffrath and Michael Kiene,
Köln, 2020, 175 S. : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-3-946275-06-0, 28,00 €

Inventory of the drawings by Jakob Ignaz Hittorff in the
Cologne University and City Library ; 6

In this commemorative book, curators from museums, archives and libraries in Cologne and Paris have their say and provide an insight into the diversity of the existing Hittorff legacy.

To the collection portal Jakob Ignaz Hittorff >>


Reading sample


27. Guðmundsson, Gunnar F. : Pater Jón Sveinsson - Nonni

Köln 2017, 586 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-99-6, € 30,00

This volume tells the life story of the writer and Jesuit priest Jón Sveinsson from Iceland. He set a monument to his Icelandic homeland at the beginning of the 20th century with his twelve "Nonni" books and also reported on his life in Europe, the USA and Japan. The author died in Cologne in 1944 and was buried in Cologne's Melaten cemetery.

26. Kiene, Michael: Color into life - Hittorff's laves émaillées, 1834-1841

Cologne : Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln, 2018, 169 Seiten : Illustrationen, ISBN 978-3-931596-95-8, Sprache: engl., franz., Ital., dt., € 48,00

The seventh volume on the Cologne-born architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorff focuses on him as a designer and free entrepreneur in the first half of the 19th century in Paris. "Color into life" highlights in particular Hittorff's lava drawings, 45 in all, which are preserved in the University and City Library and served him as working drawings for his company "Hachette & Ko.". Read more >>


25. Kiene, Michael; Lorenzo Lazzarini; Clemente Marconi: Die Alben von Jakob Ignaz Hittorff.

Band 5: „Sicile Ancienne“ Hittorff and the architecture of classical Sicily

Köln 2016, 335 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-94-1, € 48,00

This volume publishes drawings and writings on Greek antiquity in Sicily by the Parisian star architect and Cologne native Jakob Ignaz Hittorff. They were created together with Ludwig von Zanth, later architect to the King of Württemberg. The graphic testimonies document the unrestored condition of famous monuments of ancient architecture and sculpture. Read more >>


24. Lange, Gisela: Literatur zur Unternehmensgeschichte aus der Sammlung Otto Wolff

Köln 2014, 359 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-81-1, € 18,00


23. Kiene, Michael: Die Alben von Jakob Ignaz Hittorff.

Band 4: Das Album "Sicile Moderne" Zeichnungen von einer Pilgerfahrt ins wahre Paradies der Künste

Köln 2013, 192 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-74-3, € 48,00

The master drawings of "modern" Sicily by the Parisian star architect and Cologne native Jakob Ignaz Hittorff enable today's researchers to get an idea of largely unknown Sicilian monuments. Especially because the architect made numerous drawings of buildings in the metropolis of Messina, which was completely destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami in 1908. Read more >>


22. Kiene, Michael: Die Alben von Jakob Ignaz Hittorff.

Band 3: "Die italienische Reise“

Köln 2012, 157 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-66-8

The Cologne-born Parisian star architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorff travelled through Italy from autumn 1822 to spring 1824 and documented this journey in numerous drawings. The third volume publishes the stage from Paris to Rome and previously uninventoried sketches by Hittorff and his colleague Jean-François-Joseph Lecointe. Volume 4 and Volume 5 publish the albums on ancient and post-ancient architecture in Sicily, which Hittorff deliberately created separately. Read more >>

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21. Wiese, Bernd: WeltAnsichten. Illustrationen von Forschungsreisen deutscher Geographen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert

Köln 2011, 292 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-58-3, € 39,00

Etchings and wood engravings, lithographs, watercolours, paintings and photographs - the spectrum of book illustrations of geographical research trips is wide. The works published here are from research and travel reports by German geoscientists. They travelled the world - from South America to East Asia - between 1799 and 1928. Original texts by the researchers explain and interpretations complement the visual impressions. Read more >>


20. Hanau, Peter: Fröhliche Rechtswissenschaft. An den Grenzen zu Ethik – Poetik – Didaktik - Evaluation

Köln 2009, 176 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-50-7

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19. Hoffrath, Christiane: Bücherspuren – das Schicksal von Elise und Helene Richter und ihrer Bibliothek im "Dritten Reich"

2.revised and supplemented edition , Köln 2010, 225 S., ISBN 978-3-412-20651-2, € 39,90

The Jewish sisters Elise and Helene Richter from Vienna sold most of their important private library to the University and City Library of Cologne two years before they were murdered in Theresienstadt. In order to be able to write the story of the successful academics and publicists and their library, the author researched thousands of books in the largest library in NRW with a detective's flair.

Out of stock. Copies available from the author.

28. April 2021: Vortrag von Frau Dr. Christiane Hoffrath im Rahmen der digitalen Tagung "1700 Jahre Jüdisches Leben in Köln": "Bücherspuren: Die Bibliothek von Elise und Helene Richter. NS-Provenienzforschung an der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln" - 22:41 min. (MP4, 663.2 MB)

18. Schmitz, Wolfgang (Hrsg.): "das auch die guten bücher behallten und nicht verloren werden"

Köln 2007, 219 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-40-8, € 20,00

Richly illustrated anthology with 11 articles about the Evangelical Library Cologne and its holdings in the USB Cologne. Published to accompany the exhibition of the same name in the Kreissparkasse Köln on the occasion of the 31st German Protestant Church Congress in June 2007.


17. Gabel, Gernot: Deutsche Buchkünstler des 20. Jahrhunderts illustrieren deutsche Literatur

Köln 2006, 224 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-37-0, € 20,00

The book accompanying the exhibition in November 2006 at the Cologne University and City Library presents 50 book artists - from Max Liebermann to Klaus Ensikat, German literature from "Faustbuch" to "Katz und Maus".


16. Sammeln und Lesen. Die Kölner H. C. Artmann-Sammlung Knupfer. Lektüren

Köln 2006, 271 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-31-6, € 38,00

In February 2006, Karl-Heinz Knupfer, managing director of the Cologne auction house Venator & Hanstein, donated his extensive collection of works by the Austrian writer H. C. Artmann to the USB Cologne. In addition to the catalogue and numerous illustrations, the volume contains eight academic contributions by young scholars from the Centre for Modern Research (ZfMod) at the University of Cologne, which deal with Artmann's poetics. Read more >>


15. Boeff, Regine: Schätze aus der Einbandsammlung der Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln

Köln 2005, 117 S., (Handeinband aus der Hausbuchbinderei der USB, Mattleinen mit Titelprägung, geheftet), ISBN 3-931596-28-1

In this exhibition catalogue, the USB Cologne presents a selection of its historical and artistic book bindings from its Digital Binding Collection to a wider circle of interested parties.

Documentation to the description of the binding collection of the University and City Library of Cologne

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14. Kiene, Michael: Die Alben von Jean-François-Joseph Lecointe (1773–1858).

Band 2: Architekturen, Skizzen und Visionen. Livres Muse“ und „Manuscrits divers“

Köln 2005, 134 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-27-3, € 48,00

This volume documents all the drawings and sketches of the Cologne-born architect Jean-François-Joseph Lecointe. Thanks to this inventory, it is possible to pay tribute to Lecointe as a creative architect whose legacy goes far beyond the works in collaboration with Jakob Ignaz Hittorff. Read more >>


13. Gabel, Gernot & Wolfgang Schmitz (Red.): Kölner Sammler und ihre Bücherkollektionen in der USB

Köln 2003, 221 S., ISBN 3-931596-25-7, € 30,00

The volume accompanying the exhibition of the same name in October 2003 portrays the lives and work of 20 donors whose private collections the USB Cologne has taken over over the last 200 years. The collectors were clergymen, scientists, teachers or merchants, diplomats and politicians as well as men of business, including Ferdinand Franz Wallraf, the last rector of the old university, Lord Mayor Hermann Becker or the entrepreneurs Gustav von Mevissen and Otto Wolff.


12. Quarg, Gunter: Vom Kettenbuch zur Collage. Bucheinbände des 15. und 20. Jahrhunderts aus den Sammlungen der USB

Köln 2002, 223 S., ISBN 3-931596-22-2, € 48,00

Catalogue of the 100 exquisite book bindings on display from five centuries, from incunabula to modern artists' books.


11. Quarg, Gunter: Ganz Köln steckt voller Bücherschätze. Von der Ratsbibliothek zur Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek 1602–2002

Köln 2002, 295 S., ISBN 3-931596-21-4, € 30,00

Catalogue for the exhibition on the 400-year history of libraries and book collections in the cathedral city.


10. Schmitz, Wolfgang: 500 Jahre Buchtradition in Köln. Von der Koehlhoffschen Chronik bis zu den Neuen Medien

Köln 1999, 192 S., ISBN 3-931596-14-1.

The volume deals with the beginnings of Cologne book printing, the 17th and 18th centuries and its late heyday as well as its decline. You can also read about the Koelhoff Chronicle and its environment as well as about Cologne's atlas cartography in the 16th and 17th centuries and much more.

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9. Gustav von Mevissen (1815–1899) und seine Bibliothek

Köln 1999, 207 S., ISBN 3-931596-13-3, € 25,00

Catalogue of the exhibition at the USB Cologne by Gunter Quarg with a biographical introduction by Klara van Eyll. Read more >>


8. Kiene, Michael: Die Alben von Jakob Ignaz Hittorff.

Band 1: "Die Bauprojekte 1821–1858“

Köln 1996, 144 S., ISBN 978-3-931596-07-9, € 48,00

The artistic estate of the Parisian star architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorff, who was born in Cologne, came to the city of Cologne with his estate foundation as early as 1898 and was finally transferred to the newly established USB Köln in 1920. The drawings in this first inventory volume bear witness to his great architectural creations. Read more >>


7. Gabel, Gernot (Hrsg.): Der älteste Leipziger Messekatalog aus dem Jahre 1595

Köln 1995, 84 S., ISBN 3-931596-06-0, € 10,00

Facsimile edition of the book catalogue by Henning Grosse. The Leipzig bookseller offered the titles published in it at the Leipzig Autumn Fair in 1594.


6. Gunter Quarg & Wolfgang Schmitz: Deutsche Buchkunst im 20. Jahrhundert

Köln 1995, 215 S., ISBN 3-931596-05-2, € 20,00

Richly illustrated exhibition catalogue on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the USB Cologne with examples of works by 25 book artists from the period between Art Nouveau and the present.


5. Rabeler, Alice: Die Sammlung Westerholt. Geschichte und Analyse ihres Bestandes

Köln 1995, 109 S., ISBN 3-931596-04-4, € 7,50

Study and inventory of the library assembled at Arenfels Castle in the 18th and 19th centuries. At that time, the castle was owned by the Counts of Westerholt.


4. Quarg, Gunter: Katalog der Bibliothek Jakob Ignaz Hittorff / Catalogue de la Bibliothèque Privée de Jacques Ignace Hittorff

Köln 1994, XIV, 125 S., ISBN 3-931596-03-6, € 7,50

Reconstitution of the extensive book collection of the Cologne-born architect Jakob Ignaz Hittorff. He was particularly active in Paris in the first half of the 19th century.


3. Sattler, Alfred: Rheinpanoramen. Reisehilfen und Souvenirs

Köln 1993, 2. Aufl. 1994, 64 S., ISBN 3-931596-02-8,

Exhibition catalogue on panorama pictures published for Rhine tourism since the beginning of the 19th century.

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2. Brachetti, Angela: Die Guarani-Indianer von Misiones

Köln 1992, 56 S., ISBN 3-931596-01-X, € 5,00

Catalogue about the Indians settling in Paraguay for the exhibition on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America.

1. Quarg, Gunter: Handschriften und Autographen aus der Sammlung Otto Wolff (1881–1940)

Köln 1990, 47 S., ISBN 3-931596-00-1, € 4,00

Extract from the collection of manuscripts and autographs bequeathed to the USB Cologne by the industrialist and merchant Otto Wolff in 1940, together with his extensive library.